Heya! I'm

Andrew Hulahan

Web Developer & Designer

in San Diego, CA

About Me

self-photo placeholder

Hey there, I'm Andrew Hulahan. I'm a web designer & developer living in San Diego, CA. At some point in my life, I decided I wanted to make stuff for the internet, and here I am now.

When I'm not learning about new technologies to help me on my web development quest, I like to engage myself in other tasks such as gaming, drawing, and writing.


Wordpress Theme | PHP JS AI Visit Site
portfolio lemongear tile
Design and Development
August 23, 2016

I wanted to create a responsive, mobile-first wordpress site that can be used to primarily display image posts.

Fan Group Logos | PS See More
portfolio everton tile
Graphic Design
August 5, 2014

I was asked to design a logo for a pair of Everton Football Club fan groups.

Portfolio Site | HTML SCSS JS PHP PS AI View Source
portfolio logo tile
Design and Development
December 17, 2013

The goal was to make a functional portfolio site to showcase my work.

SAI Logo | PS AI
sai logo tile
Logo Design
September 5, 2013

The goal of this project was to design a logo for a fictional Japan-based airline.
